Times Tables

Times Tables


The children practise their times tables daily in school. 
To reinforce this learning at home, we encourage all children from Year 2 upwards to play Times Tables Rocks Stars on a regular basis. https://ttrockstars.com/
We praise and celebrate children who engage in this learning at home by presenting an award to the top TTRS player in the school each week. We also set half termly TTRS targets for every child. Children who achieve their target receive a TTRS certificate, Dojo points, and one lucky child receives an amazon gift voucher as a prize!
Other links that your child may find useful are:
This replicates the Year 4 National Multiplication Check so is a particularly useful game for your child to play.
UKLA School Member
Healthy Schools
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Primary Science Quality Mark - Silver Award
Sport England Activemark Gold
Accelerated Reader
Times Tables Rock Stars
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Oxford Owl
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Power Maths
FFT Attendance 2023/24
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