


St Mewan CP School - Geography


2023 - 2024 




Geography is a dynamic and exciting subject, with great appeal to children. At St Mewan Primary School we endorse that Geography education should inspire pupils to be curious and fascinated about the World. We aim to provide children with the skills to think creativity and critically about the World around them. Through explicit teaching of the National Curriculumour geography curriculum will provide pupils with knowledge about places, people, resources and natural and human environments; together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.  

We aim to inspire all pupils to ‘think like a geographer’ and ‘talk like a geographer through providing them with the knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary to do soWe hope that all of our pupils will be keen to continue their Geographical studies further in their education and beyond and to be given aspirations to learn about and experience the wider world beyond the classroom which will enrich their livesWe aspire to give pupils a detailed understanding of their local coastal and rural context but also to explain how this fits in the wider global context through geographical trips locally and links with the wider world. We are passionate about equipping all our pupils with the skills and knowledge to be responsible citizens of our world who show respect and understanding to people from other places and cultures and model good behaviours. We strive to provide them with the knowledge and skills to fulfil their full potential and have aspirations within and beyond their locality. We ensure inclusivity for pupils in our delivery of the geography curriculum and challenge for those who require it.  




Geography is taught in blocks throughout the year, so children achieve depth in their learning. Every topic has a key question and subsequent questions for learning. Through these the subject lead has identified the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary for each topic and consideration has been given to the progression of skills and knowledge in topics when sequencing learning throughout each year group across the school. At the beginning of each topic, children are able to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to find out. A focus of vocabulary is provided when teaching so pupils understand subject-specific vocabulary relating to these topics. Work is recorded in curriculum books and can be evidenced in a range of ways including: art work, written work, discussions, photographs or diagrams. The local area is fully utilised to achieve the desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice. Where relevant, links are made with other localities in the world for broader learning. Emphasis is placed on enquiry-based approach to help pupils gain a coherent knowledge of each unit of work covered throughout the school. Our Geography curriculum is well thought out and planned to demonstrate a progression of skills and knowledge from Nursery to Year 7. 


Specific content is planned by teachers from the key questions determined by the subject lead which detail precise geographical knowledge, understanding and skills. We strongly encourage this subject to be taught both inside and outside of the classroom, using as many practical experiences as possible. 

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) pupils develop their geographical thinking through ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’ (The World and People and Communities). 




We measure the impact of our curriculum through ongoing teacher assessment and monitoring by the subject lead. This confirms that our intent for geographical teaching is being achieved. This ongoing monitoring includes planning scrutiny, work scrutiny, pupil voice, discussion with teachers and learning observations. Through these the subject lead has gathered the following evidence:  

  • Summative assessment of pupils' discussion about their learning from teacher voice discussions.  

  • Images and videos of pupils practical learning, both in the classroom and outdoors. 

  • Evidence of learning and feedback in books. 

  • Planning monitoring which demonstrates use of the school progression documents.  

  • Pupils knowing more, remembering more and understand more in pupil voice discussions.  

  • Pupils achieving age related expectations in Geography at the end of their cohort year, as shown through teacher reports.  

  • Pupils understand their role in ‘The World’ and the implications that they as citizens have on it, as revealed through pupil voice and school council work.  

  • Pupil engagement in opportunities to be a Geographer such as the Earth Day litter pick challenge.  

  • Pupils at KS3 and 4 going on to take Geographer as a GCSE and A level option.  

  • Ex-pupils pursuing opportunities to travel and work abroad.    

UKLA School Member
Healthy Schools
Investor in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Silver Award
Sport England Activemark Gold
Accelerated Reader
Times Tables Rock Stars
Purple Mash
Libresoft Librarian
Oxford Owl
Spelling Shed
Power Maths
FFT Attendance 2023/24
Read Write Inc. Trust