


St. Mewan C.P. School - Phonics


2023 - 2024



At St Mewan, we teach phonics following the Read, Write, Inc scheme of work.  We value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to enabling pupils to have a lifelong love of reading.  RWI is a synthetic phonics programme produced by Ruth Miskin and is a method of learning letter sounds and blending them together to read and write words.  Children have daily phonics sessions in small differentiated groups where they participate in speaking, listening and spelling activities matched to their developing need.  The teachers draw upon observations and use continuous assessment to ensure pupils are challenged and supported when necessary.


The RWI lead and English lead work closely together and have a clear overview of phonics and reading expectations for all year groups.  They ensure that all RWI teachers are consistent in their approach to teaching phonics and follow the programme with fidelity.


Children take part in phonics, reading, library and reading for pleasure sessions and so are exposed to a wide range of different texts that help to develop their reading skills.  By the time children leave St Mewan, they are confident, inspired readers.



At St Mewan, Read Write Inc is delivered daily by trained members of staff.  This programme ensures pupils are taught to decode corresponding phonemes and graphemes alongside the skills of segmenting and blending in order to be able to decode fully and move towards fluency.  This scheme fully matches the termly expectations laid out in the National Curriculum. 


Fluency is further developed through regular individual reading with adults at home and at school, and through whole class reading sessions, as well as through the St Mewan Fluency intervention programme where required.


Reading books in EYFS and KS1 are matched to the phonic level that pupils are working at, in order to match their reading to the sounds they have learnt.  Pupils are also encouraged to take ‘sharing’ texts home to read ‘with’ an adult rather than ‘to’ an adult.


The RWI lead is confident that teaching within the sessions is strong and she provides appropriate training, guidance and support to colleagues.  The RWI lead completes regular assessments which ensures children are grouped appropriately in phonics.




Through the teaching of systematic phonics, our aim is for children to become fluent readers by the end of KS1 who can focus on developing their fluency and comprehension as they move through the school. 


Attainment in phonics is measured by the Phonics Screening Check at the end of Year 1.

UKLA School Member
Healthy Schools
Investor in People
Primary Science Quality Mark - Silver Award
Sport England Activemark Gold
Accelerated Reader
Times Tables Rock Stars
Purple Mash
Libresoft Librarian
Oxford Owl
Spelling Shed
Power Maths
FFT Attendance 2023/24
Read Write Inc. Trust